Bram Stoker
5/5 stars
This was a reread of this familiar, and for me much-loved, classic. Stoker writes quite well, and the voices of the characters in this epistolary novel are recognizable and distinct.
Those whose only experience is with movie versions will most likely be surprised by the strong Christian message of the book. It is not just a battle of good versus evil, but of Godly good versus Satanic evil.
One of the best parts of the book is that, within the confines of the era's mores, Stoker has made Mina an extraordinary woman. She is as intelligent as the men and assists them often, is as courageous as any of them, is strong, both emotionally and physically, and while they still seek to protect her, they respect her for these characteristics.
Naturally, Dracula is melodramatic, as is to be expected from sensation fiction, but it is also entertaining, gripping, and satisfying. I highly recommend it.