Saturday, January 19, 2019

Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore

Secondhand Souls
Christopher Moore
4/5 stars

In this sequel to A Dirty Job, Charlie Asher and his fellow soul merchants discover that many souls aren't being collected in San Francisco, ghosts are surrounding the Golden Gate Bridge, and a new evil has appeared wearing all yellow and driving a vintage car.  The soul merchants, along with Charlie's friends and family, band together to save life --and death-- as they know it.

Secondhand Souls has all the elements of a Moore novel: great writing, compelling story line, engaging characters, and an abundance of the absurd.  When compared to A Dirty Job, though, it feels a little flat; it lacks the charm and tenderness of that previous novel, and at times seems a repeat of it.  Despite that, it's still a fun and well-written, and is sure to please Moore's fans.