Monday, March 18, 2019

Fifth Business by Robertson Davies

Fifth Business
Robertson Davies
3/5 stars

The protagonist, Dunstan Ramsay,  is the unwitting cause of an accident that leads to the eventual derangement of a local woman.  In this epistolary novel, he explains the accident and how that affected his life for the next sixty years.

This novel is highly regarded, and is listed n the American Modern Library's "reader's list" of the 100 best novels of the 20th century.  Davies writes well, and the story moves along seamlessly.  The characters are well-drawn, and the ending worth the wait.  Unfortunately, I felt no connection to Dunstan, and was never emotionally connected to him.  That is, I fully realize, most likely a problem with the reader and not with the writer; however, as a result, I can't rate it higher than average.