Monday, March 27, 2017

Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

Daughter of the Pirate King
Tricia Levenseller
3/5 stars

Alosa, a teen-aged pirate captain, is sent on a secret mission by her father, the Pirate King.  She is to get captured by another pirate captain and while there, find a hidden map.  The job turns out to be more difficult than she expected.

This is a YA novel, and it is filled with the fantasy elements so often found in YA books.  Alosa--captain of an all teen-aged female crew--is not only above average in everything, able to defeat multiple male pirates at one time, and strikingly beautiful, she also has hidden powers.  (I honestly groaned out loud when the mystical abilities were revealed.)  The plot was interesting, though, and so much could have been made of this book if Levenseller hadn't made Alosa into a Mary Jane instead of a believable character.