Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Top Five Wednesday: 12/28/22

This week's Top Five Wednesday topic is "Favorite Books of the Year".  Though I reread some old favorites, I'm only listing books that were new to me in 2022.  

1.  I have to include an entire series as my number-one-top-favorite for 2022:  the Palliser novels by Anthony Trollope.  To me, all six volumes (written between 1865 and 1880) were five star reads.  Each book was huge (from more than 500 to over 800 pages), and I lived immersed in this world for three months.  I was so sad when I finished the last one and had to say good bye to those characters.  For any one who enjoys Victorian literature, I cannot recommend this engrossing, entertaining, and well-written series highly enough.
Anthony Trollope

2. Parnassus on Wheels by Christopher Morley (1917)  5/5 stars  (my review here)
This is a book for booklovers, and I absolutely loved it, from beginning to end.  Don't be put off by it's brevity, which belies it's strength -- this charming gem is well worth reading!

3. The Great Impersonation by E. Phillips Oppenheim (1920)  4/5 stars  (my review here)
Though I couldn't rate it as such, I got five-stars-worth of enjoyment out of this adventure-espionage-drama.  It's well-plotted, engrossing, and twisty, with some excellent surprises.  It's definitely one of Oppenheim's best.


4. The Golden Age of Murder by Martin Edwards (2015)  5/5 stars  (my review here)
This is a nonfiction love-letter to Golden Age mysteries and their authors.  I absolutely loved it, and recommend it as a must-read for fellow enthusiasts. 
Martin Edwards

5.  Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim (1898) 4/5 stars (my review here)
This one is another short but charming novel for my list.  It's humorous, engaging, and such fun. Though it's not a five star book, it gave me as much enjoyment as if it were.

Elizabeth von Arnim