Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday Salon: Reviewing the Week

Musing for this week's Sunday Salon.

I finished a Nicholas Blake mystery (Thou Shell of Death) this week on audio book.  It was the second in the series and the second I have read.  I have mixed feelings about these books.

Nicholas Blake is the pseudonym for Poet Laureate Cecil Day Lewis.  There are times when these books are so pompous and affected that I feel as if the author is saying, "I'm Poet Laureate and I'm just playing at writing mysteries".  Of course, maybe he was saying just that.

The bookmarks I ordered from craftedvan arrived this week.  They are lovely and kawaii, but they are not as sturdy or as magnetic as I would wish.  If I had held them in my hand before I bought them, I probably would have passed them by.  However, they make me smile every time I see them in my books, and an extra smile is worth it.

I have reached 100 followers on my bookish-only Instagram account.  A rather big deal, when you consider I've only been using that account for over a week.  I am really enjoying the bookstagram community.  I've met some nice ladies and discovered quite a few books that I've added to my want-to-read list.

Also finished reading to Cinder as an audio book.  I liked the plot but the narrator wasn't very good.  Unfortunately, she reads the whole series.  I'm still going to listen to the next book, though, as I'm interested in what is going to happen.  I'm not going to give it a real review--the plot is too convoluted to explain--but it was good.  I'd give it 3.5-4 stars.  Some of the conversation seemed stilted, but I think that was due to the narrator.  I'd have to visibly read the book and see if the flow is better before I'd be willing to commit myself to a real review.