Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Truth About Melody Browne by Lisa Jewell

The Truth About Melody Browne
Lisa Jewell  
3/5 stars

When Melody was nine-years-old, she lost everything in a house fire -- including her memory.  Now, in her thirties, she is having flashbacks to a childhood that doesn't fit with what she knows of her life.  She begins a search to find the truth of her past, which leads to a new journey for her future self.

This was listed as suspense, but should in fact be called "women's fiction".  Not quite chick lit, but most certainly not a thriller of any sort, it focuses on relationships, healing, and self-improvement.  Jewell generally writes well, or I would never have continued reading about Melody's dismal early years.  However, she credits Melody was an amount of maturity and perspicacity that is unbelievable for a six-year-old, and includes several coincidences that also did not ring true.  Overall, it was a moderately intriguing plot, but not what I had expected and, while I didn't hate it, it's not one that I would recommend.