Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Names in the Titles

Here, in no particular order, are ten excellent books with a name in the title.

by Daphne du Maurier
Though I said "in no particular order", it's not true here.  Rebecca is first on my list because it is one my top twenty-or-so favorite books.  An extremely well-written gothic thriller, Rebecca is engrossing and memorable, and I highly recommend it.

Alice in Wonderland by Louis Carroll
I don't know why I love this book so much.  I can't explain what it is about it that appeals to me so personally, but it's a soul-mate of a book.

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita is a feast of beautifully written language. I've never read a novel whose subject was so unpalatable and yet whose prose was so engrossing, drawing, and memorable. Nabokov skyrocketed into my favorite authors list when I read this.

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
I read this the summer I graduated from high school and hated it.  Then (many years later), I heard a review on NPR about Lydia Davis' translation and how she painstakingly worked to keep it as close to the author's original as possible.  I gave it another try and was stunned.  My full review is here.

Britt-Marie Was Here by Frederik Backman
I read this feel-good novel in one sitting -- it was that good.  Here is my full review. 

The Altogether Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman
by Mamen Sánchez
This is a lighthearted, funny, sad, serious, romantic and dramatic book and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  My review is here.

Lady Audley's Secret by M.E. Braddon
This Victorian sensational novel is a fantastic read.  Here is my review.

Dracula by Bram Stoker
I love this novel.  It's surprisingly well-written, completely engaging, and extremely memorable.  If you've only seen movie versions, I highly recommend reading the book and seeing what it's really about.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Like Dracula, it's so different from the movie versions.  It's a haunting story that I fully recommend.

Be Frank with Me by Julia Claiborne Johnson
This fantastic book needs more love!  Read my review here, then read the book!

Top Ten Tuesday is a long-running weekly blog prompt, currently hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.