Friday, March 24, 2023

Book Blogger Hop: Are books a must-have in your home?

  The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly feature hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.  A bookish prompt is given, for the dual purpose of giving the blogger a topic to discuss, and a way to find other book blogs to read and follow.

Today, the Book Blogger Hop question is: "Are books a must-have in your home?"  Well, yes.

Erasmus by Dürer 

I grew up having my own bookcase, and by early teen years it was overflowing.  When we moved to a new house when I was in high school, I was given larger shelves, and I filled them full that very first year with a trip to the library used book sale. That's the point when I fell in love with antique books, vintage paperbacks and any book, in fact, old or odd. My husband is a reader as well, and our first conversation about finances was me telling him that I didn't care how much we spent on books  -- we'll work around any thing else after books.  After all, as Erasmus said:
When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.
That's how our marriage started more than twenty years ago, when we combined our two libraries.  Now. . .  Well, here are two of our shelves.  The one on the left side of the hall is nonfiction; the right side is fiction.  As you can see, we are totally out of space there, and our other rooms have full smaller shelves as well.

So, yes, books are a must-have.  In fact, despite our current wealth of books, we went to the county library's annual used book sale yesterday, and came home with a nearly complete matched set of 1909-1910 Harvard Classics, missing just two of the fifty volumes.  I had to empty two shelves in the living room to accommodate them, but it was worth it!



  1. Ooh...I love your shelves!
    I've grown up amidst books too. My father opened a book rental when I was around 2 y.o. So I spent most of my times then amongst the shelves 😁. And later on, I remember, on our family hangouts, there're always visits to bookstores. So yeah, books are a must-have too in our home.

    1. They're messy, but much needed! It sounds like you have a wonderfully bookish family!

  2. That is an amazing find at the book sale. Hope you have a great weekend. - Katie

    My BBH if you care to visit -

    1. I know -- I feel like I found a treasure! (Thanks for the visit!)

  3. I always have to have books in my house. I say you can never have too many books!

  4. I think it's great you buy used books! I can see those books have a good home where they are cherished. :-)

    1. Used books were an affordable option for us when I was small, so I've always loved them! (thanks for the visit!)

  5. Now that's lovely! I just can't imagine a house without books.

  6. I love your shelves! My goal in life is to have enough space to display all my books.

    1. Thanks! I agree -- having enough space for all one's books is the ultimate goal! We've still got a ways to go -- especially if I keep making purchases like last week!

  7. Yes! Books, books, everywhere. I grew up in a house crammed with books, and now my own is overflowing with them too. And I'm trying to decide which new books to get from Book Depository quick before it closes later this month, so there will soon be MORE books in here :-D

    1. Just when I tell myself that I have to take a break from buying, I stumble on a used book sale, or the thrift shop has some I can't pass up. . . . (Thanks for the visit!)


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