Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People I'd Like to Meet

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is  a "bookish people I'd like to meet", with the instructions to pick authors, characters, bloggers, or anyone related to the bookish world.   

no caption needed


  • Sherlock Holmes: First and foremost would be Holmes.  I would, no doubt, find him extremely irritating, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
  • Morrolan e'Drien: This is a character from Steven Brust's Dragaeran Empire novels, both the Vlad Taltos series, and others.  He is a layered character, with much history and equal amounts of charisma, pride, and personality.  
  • Brother Cadfael: Ellis Peters created such a wonderful character with this humble, wise, worldly, and kind monk.  I'd love to spend an hour chatting in his herb garden.
  • Allan Quatermain: H. Rider Haggard's adventurer is a surprisingly multi-faceted character with a tragic past, a great deal of valor and a strongly likable personality.  
  • Henry V: I don't mean the historical King Henry, though I'm sure he was a fine fellow, but Shakespeare's creation.  It's my favorite of the Bard's plays, because of Henry's charm, magnetism, valor, and open, raw emotions. 

a young John Donne

  • John Donne: (1572-1631) His romantic poems are to die for, but his metaphysical religious sonnets are just as impressive.  I fully believe that his intellect and wit would have made him a highly agreeable conversationalist.
  • George MacDonald: (1824-1905) I have so many questions about his two allegories, Lilith and Phantastes!
  • Angela Thirkell: (1890-1961) It would be fun to hear vignettes of her interesting life, but her snarky, sly humor would be the major draw.
  • C.S. Lewis: (1898-1963) Another witty intellectual, Lewis must have been an amazing person to know.  Plus, I'd like to get some answers about parts of Till We Have Faces.
  • James Burke: (b.1936) This may be bending the rules a bit, as he's a published science historian, and not exactly "bookish", but I am such a fangirl that I must include him in any list of people I'd like to meet.  He is witty, funny, and intelligent, and I know dinner with him would be a blast.